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Fall Landscaping Adds Beauty, Value to Your Home

For Immediate Release: September 15, 2003


Hope Gruzlovic




Fall is an ideal time for New Jersey homeowners to spruce up their landscapes and add beauty and value to their homes, according to Agriculture Secretary Charles M. Kuperus.

“Landscaping enhances property value and increases enjoyment of our homes,” said Kuperus. “Planting flowers, trees and shrubs is a smart and easy investment any homeowner can make. In many ways, fall is the best time to plant. The variety of fall colors in trees and shrubs is absolutely gorgeous.”

There are plenty of other opportunities to add color to the fall landscape through the planting of pansies, garden mums, flowering kale and cabbage, and other plants that thrive in the cooler weather, according to George Wulster, a floriculture specialist with Rutgers Cooperative Extension in New Brunswick.

Wulster advises homeowners to give some thought to where plants will be placed before purchasing them. “Purchase a plant that will work where you put it, not just because you like its appearance,” Wulster says. If there’s one task homeowners should procrastinate on, it’s putting down mulch. Wulster recommends waiting until after the first frost or freeze for best protection of the beds.

Fall is a particularly good time to plant trees and shrubs, according to Carl Nordstrom, Executive Director of the New Jersey Nursery and Landscape Association.

“Trees and shrubs that are planted in the fall have time to establish roots, even after the first frost,” said Nordstrom. “These early-established roots will make plants more ready to handle the next summer’s dry weather.”

Landscaping can add an average of about 15 percent to a home’s value and also offers a number of other benefits, according to Nordstrom. One tree removes 26 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air every year and releases about 13 pounds of oxygen – enough for a family of four on a daily basis. Plants reduce noise pollution and control runoff and erosion. Finally, landscaping creates green space for much-needed rest, recreation and renewal.

New Jersey’s nursery, greenhouse and sod industry is the leading sector of the state’s agricultural industry, with more than $337 million in sales in 2002. New Jersey has more than 2,800 nursery and greenhouse operations. Be sure to consult your local garden center or nursery on the best plant selections, plant-care products and maintenance for your area. To locate a nursery or garden center near you, visit the Department of Agriculture’s web site at www.jerseyfresh.nj.gov.

For additional information and publications, visit the Rutgers Cooperative Extension web site at www.rce.rutgers.edu or the New Jersey Nursery and Landscape Association web site at www.gardennj.net.