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Soybean Rust

Asian soybean rust, Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is a serious disease causing crop losses in other parts of the world. Recent introductions of Soybean rust in other parts of the world show a rapid spread causing severe damage in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Paraguay, and Brazil. Soybean rust is primarily spread by wind-borne spores transported over long distances. Once pod set begins on soybean, infection can spread rapidly to the middle and upper leaves of the plant. Yield losses have been reported from 10 to 80 percent.

photo: Reid Frederick, USDA ARS,

Soybeans in New Jersey: In 2003, New Jersey farmers harvested 88,000 acres of soybeans yielding 2.99 million bushels. Cash receipts totalled $16,071,000.

Prevention: The key to managing soybean rust is preventing it. Yield losses from soybean rust can be managed with the proper use of fungicides. Fungicides currently available for soybean rust control include: The fungicides azoxystrobin (Quadris ®), boscalid (Pristine ®), chlorothalonil (Bravo Weather Stik ®, Echo 720 ®, Echo 90DF ®, EQUUS 720 SST ®, EQUUS DF ®) and pyraclostrobin (Headline ®).

Additionally, growers in New Jersey may treat soybeans with the following fungicides under a soybean rust section 18 emergency exemption: propiconazole (Tilt ®, Propimax EC ®, Bumper ®), myclobutanil (Laredo EC ®, Laredo EW ®); tebuconazole ( Domark 230 ME ®, Folicur 3.6F ®, Orius 3.6F ®); azoxystrobin & propiconazole (Quilt ®); propiconazole + trifloxystrobin (Stratego ®); and propiconazole + tebuconazole (Headline SBR ®).

Growers may apply a maximum of three applications of approved section 18 products collectively under the soybean rust section 18 exemption; however, no more than two applications may be made with any given active ingredient. Growers should follow label directions and Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension recommendations on the use and proper timing of fungicide applications. For more information, contact your county Extension office: www.rcre.rutgers.edu/county/

USDA One-Stop Soybean Rust website:


photo: Reid Frederick, USDA ARS,

Rutgers Extension Soybean Rust Page

Crop Insurance Information:

Garden State Crop Insurance Education Initiative Press Release:
As Asian Soybean Rust Problem Mounts Nationally, Growers Should Think About Increasing Crop Protection

Garden State Crop Insurance Education Initiative:


Soybean Rust, Crop Insurance and You brochure:

USDA Risk Management Agency Soybean Rust page:

Fungicide Links:

EPA's Soybean Rust Fungicide List:

Fungicides, Herbicides and Soybean Rust: Do they mix?

Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust:

Other Helpful Links:

Soybean Rust Guide:

North American Plant Disease Forecast Center:

Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network


Northeast Integrated Pest Management Center:

For more information, please contact the Division of Plant Industry, New Jersey Department of Agriculture at (609) 292-5441.

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