New Jersey Department of Education

DOE A to Z: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

2006-07 State Aid and 2005-06 State Aid, excluding Debt Service
****Cash Basis****

County: MERCER

Total State Aid Payment 2005-06: $4,136,407
    Core Curriculum Aid: $0
    Supplemental Core Curriculum Aid: $0
    Education Opportunity Aid: $0
    Transportation Aid: $1,290,030
    Special Education Aid: $2,502,991
    Early Childhood Program Aid: $0
    Demonstrably Effective Program Aid: $0
    Stabilization Aid: $0
    Consolidated Aid: $213,564
    Additional Formula Aid: $120,478
    Other Aids:1 $9,344

Total State Aid Payment 2006-2007: $4,136,407
Dollar Increase/Decrease From 2005-06: $0
% Change State Aid: 0.0%
% Change Net Budget: 0.0 %

  1. Other Aids are Bilingual, County Vocational, F. T. Post-Sec Voc., Instructional Supplement, Abbott Bordered District Aid, School Choice, Above Average Enrollment Growth, HELP Aid, and S. Stabilization/Regional Incentive.