Click here for the New Jersey Downtown Istitute's presentation:
Take Charge of Your Business Mix!


Effective Downtown Revitalization

The goal of downtown revitalization is to create, improve, and maintain a viable community for living and business activity. Over the past 20 years, revitalized downtowns have evolved from simple streets cape improvements, to complex economic development initiatives, often supported by public/private partnerships and guided by professional managers. The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Main Street New Jersey's Downtown Revitalization & Management Institute (DRMI) teaches a comprehensive, community-based management approach which recognizes that downtowns do not decline overnight, and they need time and consistent efforts to bring them back to vitality. Effective downtown management, applied with commitment by all community stakeholders, results in a vibrant and dynamic future for New Jersey's town centers. The DRMI is taught by trainers with expertise in the specific disciplines essential for success. Those that attend the entire training series receive a DCA certification upon completion, which the Department will take into account when considering future DCA program applications.

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