New CDC Just-In-Time Training Videos

This two-part video series will help enable front-line healthcare providers to recognize, diagnose, and treat plague. These free online trainings serve as a valuable resource for providers who may encounter naturally occurring plague or plague caused by an intentional release.

Watch Part 1

Watch Part 2

Vector-borne Disease Data Dashboard

This dashboard uses interactive data visualizations to display vector-borne disease case data (counts and incidence rates), emergency department visits for tick-related illness, and vector-borne pathogen (germ) data in mosquitoes and ticks.

Open Dashboard


Report Confirmed or Suspect Cases Immediately to the Local Health Department.

Plague is a disease caused by bacteria and has three major forms that can affect either the lymph nodes (bubonic), blood (septicemic), or the lungs (pneumonic). Pneumonic plague can be spread from person to person when an infected person coughs. Bubonic and septicemic plague cannot spread from person to person. While a serious disease, plague can be treated with antibiotics. People who are exposed to plague can also take antibiotics to prevent the illness.


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Education Materials
Disease Prevention
Last Reviewed: 3/27/2024