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 route 72 manahawkin bay bridge graphic

Stages and Traffic Patterns

Repairs and repaving of the Route 72 Manahawkin Bay Bridge will take place in nine stages in two separate seasons; four in the fall of 2009 and five in the spring of 2010, as follows:

Season 1 - Fall 2009
Repairing and patching the bridge deck
Stage 1
The left-hand (inner) westbound lane will be closed to allow for patching and repair of the bridge deck area.
Stage 2
The left-hand (inner) eastbound lane will be closed for patching and repair of the bridge deck area.
Stage 3
The left-hand (inner) eastbound lane will be opened and the right-hand (outer) eastbound lane will be closed to allow for patching and repair of the bridge deck area.
Stage 4

The left-hand (inner) westbound lane will be opened and the right-hand (outer) westbound lane will be closed for patching and repair of the bridge deck area.

Freezing temperatures and road conditions during the winter months prohibit any bridge repair work taking place between December 2009 and mid-March 2010.

Season 2 - Spring 2010
Repaving of bridge deck and approaches
Stage 1
Traffic in the left-hand inner eastbound lane will be shifted toward the center of the bridge and narrowed slightly, and the safety walk along the southern edge of the bridge will be closed to provide an adequate work zone.

            Route 72 Westbound         Route 72 Eastbound
stage 1 graphic
Stage 2
Eastbound traffic will be shifted to an 11-foot section of the newly overlaid right-hand eastbound lane. Both eastbound and westbound inner lanes will be closed to provide an adequate work zone.

              Route 72 Westbound      Route 72 Eastbound
stage 2 graphic
Stage 3
The eastbound and westbound inner lanes will be closed. The right-hand westbound lane will be shifted slightly north to allow for repairs and repaving of the left-hand westbound lane.

              Route 72 Westbound      Route 72 Eastbound
stage 3 graphic
Stage 4
Both newly-repaved eastbound lanes and the innermost 11 feet of the left-hand westbound lane will be opened to traffic. The right-hand westbound lane will be closed for repairs and paving. The safety walk adjacent to this lane will be closed to provide an adequate work zone.

           Route 72 Westbound         Route 72 Eastbound
stage 4 graphic
Stage 5 - Final Stage
The approach roadways to the bridge will be milled and overlaid.
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  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
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  Last Updated:  October 6, 2009