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2002 Annual Report

From the Secretary

    In December 2002, New Jersey permanently preserved its 100,000th acre of farmland - a milestone achievement that has helped make our state the national leader in farmland preservation.

    We are proud of our farmland preservation efforts, which are critical to ensuring a bright future for our agricultural industry. Farmland preservation, however, is only half the battle in retaining our working landscape.

    To do this, we must also ensure that we keep farmers on the land. That is why we are working to expand the marketplace where farmers can sell their products, and to encourage and equip tomorrow's farmers who will be the new stewards of New Jersey's food and agricultural legacy.

    By preserving farmland, providing opportunity to today's farmers, and hope and training to tomorrow's farm managers, we will retain our working landscape and all of the contributions it makes to a better quality of life in the Garden State.

Message From the Governor Overview Accomplishments Agricultural Statistics
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