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From: Douglas H. Fisher, New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture
To: New Jersey Agriculture Community

Recently representatives of the New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NJCAHT) spoke to us at the Department of Agriculture. Our discussion centered around how labor trafficking can happen in agriculture, with migrant and seasonal farm workers being among the most vulnerable.
Naturally, it’s important that our farm laborers are treated with the utmost care and respect.
The NJCAHT pointed out that new legislation passed a year ago requires farm labor contractors and many other businesses to post the flyer at this link Is_This_You_Or_Someone_You_Know3.pdf (

Once printed, the legislation calls for the flyer to be posted in a “place that is clearly conspicuous, and visible to employees and the public.”
There is more information about labor trafficking at The NJCAHT offers free training on the warning signs of human trafficking, which can be scheduled at

Thank you for helping in the prevention of human trafficking in the Garden State.
Douglas H. Fisher