Water Management Advisory Committee (WMAC)
Resolution 98-21

NO. 98-21

A RESOLUTION to dissolve the Ground Water Advisory Committee and the Water Conservation Advisory Committee and to establish a Water Management Advisory Committee.

WHEREAS, the Ground Water Advisory Committee (GWAC) was established on December 15, 1982 to advise the Commission on the implementation of the Special Ground Water Study; and

WHEREAS, the GWAC developed two basinwide regulations (well registration and source metering) and prepared new amendments to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Ground Water Protected Area, both of which were adopted by the Commission; and

WHEREAS, the GWAC has become increasingly involved in surface water issues due to the interrelationships of ground water and surface water; and

WHEREAS, the Water Conservation Advisory Committee (WCAC) was established on April 20, 1983 to advise the Commission on the adequacy of state drought contingency plans, possible conservation measures of various user categories during drought periods, and ongoing conservation policies and programs; and

WHEREAS, the WCAC developed four regulations that were adopted by the Commission (service metering, leak detection and repair, water conservation performance standards for plumbing fixtures and fittings, and water conservation plans and rate structures) and sponsored several technology transfer sessions to encourage conservation in the commercial and industrial sectors; and

WHEREAS, the WCAC has completed most of its responsibilities and only meets infrequently to assess program progress and suggest new topics for technology transfer sessions; and

WHEREAS, the Delaware River Basin Commission desires to consolidate the functions of the GWAC and WCAC and to create a new committee to perform these functions and several new ones; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED by the Delaware River Basin Commission:

1. A Water Management Advisory Committee is hereby established to advise the Commission and its staff on the following topics: (a) water demand and consumptive use forecasting techniques; (b) implementation of Commission water conservation regulations and recommendations for additional technology transfer sessions; (c) models and methodologies for characterizing ground water flow patterns and instream flow needs and conducting baseflow frequency analyses and water supply assessments for upstream watersheds; (d) protocol for review of integrated resource plans; and (e) potential watersheds to be considered for watershed action teams and recommendations for the conduct of watershed-based plans that consider the interrelationships of ground water recharge and discharge, stormwater management, and instream flow needs.

2. The Water Management Advisory Committee shall consist of representatives from the following constituencies: (a) State of Delaware; (b) State of New Jersey; (c) State of New York; (d) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; (e) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; (f) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; (g) U.S. Geological Survey; (h) City of New York; (i) City of Philadelphia; (j) County Water Agency; (k) Water Resources Association; (l) Industry; (m) Water Utility; (n) Agriculture; (o) League of Women Voters or other Civic Organization; (p) Environmental Organization; (q) Watershed Organization; (r) Academia; (s) Recreation; and (t) Fisheries. Each member shall be appointed by the Executive Director based upon the recommendations of the Commissioners.

3. The Water Management Advisory shall be authorized to establish subcommittees to address specific issues or perform more narrowly focused tasks.

4. The Water Management Advisory Committee shall elect a Chair and a Vice Chair and establish its own operating procedures. The Committee also shall elect an individual to serve as a liaison to the Flow Management Technical Advisory Committee and the Water Quality Advisory Committee. Whenever the Committee has findings or recommendations, the Chair shall so notify the Executive Director, who will schedule committee reports at the appropriate meeting of the Commission. The Committee shall report to the Commission at least once a year.

5. The Ground Water Advisory Committee and Water Conservation Advisory Committee are hereby dissolved. The Commission expresses its appreciation to all of the members of the two committees for their longstanding and dedicated involvement in the development of ground water and water conservation policies and programs. In particular, the Commission cites the exemplary work of the two committee chairs, Mr. David Yaeck of the Ground Water Advisory Committee, and Dr. Joseph Miri of the Water Conservation Advisory Committee.

/s/ Robert Tudor
Robert Tudor, Chairman pro tem


/s/ Anne M. Zamonski
Anne M. Zamonski, Acting Secretary

ADOPTED: December 9, 1998