The Water Quality Management Planning Rules (N.J.A.C. 7:15) adopted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) require that all areas of New Jersey be addressed by Wastewater Management Plans (WMPs).

The Highlands Council works in collaboration with conforming Highlands municipalities to develop WMPs. This is an iterative process that involves multiple drafts and revisions. Once a draft WMP is finalized with a municipality, it is sent to the NJDEP for final review, public comment, and adoption. Through this process, municipalities are able to implement new sewer service areas and other WMP provisions that conform with the Highlands Regional Master Plan.

In 2016, the NJDEP published changes to N.J.A.C. 7:15 that require revisiting previously drafted WMPs and adjustments to the WMP development process going forward. The Highlands Council is currently in the process of addressing these changes and updates will be posted to this page when available.

Wastewater Management Plans