Department of Transportation

Freight Management System

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) in partnership with the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) is in the process of developing a Freight Management System (FMS) software tool that enables state transportation practitioners to determine the level of importance of a particular project(s) or roadway segment(s) related to freight movement. The software tool contains specific measures to track system performance relative to established criteria, and provides a basis for integration of freight system performance measures into the NJDOT Planning and Capital Programming process.

NJDOT plans to expand its software tool capabilities by identifying custom problem areas, and needs and implementation of freight performance measures in the capital project evaluation and selection process. The elements that will be developed to expand the FMS software tool capabilities consists of the following markers:

  • Integration of the freight system performance measures into the NJDOT Planning and Capital Programming process
  • Enhancing the software tool tracking and reporting capabilities for New Jersey State Roadways

Integration of these elements will improve identification of problem areas, needs and tracking of projected and actual (observed) benefits of a transportation improvement project.

Last updated date: July 22, 2019 3:45 PM