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WHEREAS, the New Jersey Agricultural Society’s Farmers Against Hunger program has collected and distributed over 12 million pounds of healthy food since 1996 to organizations with meal and pantry programs; and

WHEREAS, Farmers Against Hunger has diverted, free of handling charges, a major portion of the fresh produce collected during the entire harvest season to the EFOs; and

WHEREAS, often the fresh produce delivered by Farmers Against Hunger is the only healthy food the State’s vulnerable population has access to in a given week; and

WHEREAS, due to the budget cuts at the federal level, the program has lost funding in excess of $50,000 annually.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the delegates to the 92nd State Agricultural Convention, assembled in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on February 14, 2007, support the Farmers Against Hunger program, and we urge the Governor and the State Legislature to include the program in the funding known as the State Food Purchase Program for the amount of $100,000 annually.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we urge our congressional delegation to support the Community Food and NutritionBlock Grant program, which has helped fund the New Jersey Agricultural Society’s Farmers Against Hunger program in the past.